Shoe Drive with The Frame Shop

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We are joining with The Frame Shop in Pocatello to collect shoes for Dando Amor. We will be running our campaign through the month of April.

The Frame shop is at 496 Pershing Ave, Pocatello, Idaho.  You can drop stuff there during the day.  Or you can drop it off at our home, 789 Marinus Ln, Pocatello.

Dando Amor is a charity created by Travis Gugelman of Gugelman Photography in Rexburg. Dando Amor works with orphanages in Ecuador and Africa. In these areas, shoes are hard to come by. Because of that, chiggers are a big problem. They get on the bottom of kids feet and start to eat. The damage to the flesh leads to gangrene. A simple pair of shoes (even if they are not stylish) would prevent the problem.

Dando Amor is gathering 1 Million pairs of shoes. They can be in any condition. A single shoe is fine, the people there will find two they can put together. If they are well worn, that is OK too. They will take two worn shoes and make one that will work. Any size is great. The kids there are from small toddlers to late teens.

Candie at The Frame Shop has space to put the shoes. It’s About Time Photography is giving away 6 $100 gift certificates. If you bring in 6 pairs of shoes, you are entered in the drawing for those gift certificates.

Check out Dando Amor on Facebook, The Frame Shop on Facebook, or It’s About Time on Facebook page.