Yellowstone Snow Coach Trip

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We went with some friends from the local photography club on a snow coach trip into Yellowstone Saturday.  The coach departed West Yellowstone at 7:00am and got back about 5:00pm.  We really enjoyed the trip.

We went from West Yellowstone to Old Faithful and back.  The sky was pretty overcast most of the day, but they are having a heat wave up there.  It was much warmer than I had expected.  Since it was only our group on the trip, the driver stopped whenever we wanted to stop and watch or take pictures.  The driver, Jon, was very friendly and knew quite a bit about the Park.

We didn’t see as many animals as I hoped, but the country was beautiful enough to make up for that.  We watched a fox hunting on in one of the meadows along the Madison River.  We was too far out for me to get a good shot, but it was fun to watch.  The way they pounce is really fun to watch.

We did see several birds, swans, geese, ducks, dippers, and an eagle.  We got to watch a pair of swans take off from the river.  The way they run on the water to get up speed always fascinates me.

Here are some of the things we saw there.