Watering the Grain

posted in: Farm, Landscape, Rural | 0

I have seen a certain field several over the last few weeks.  Every time I drive past, I think it is a beautiful field.  The field is a bit like little rolling hills.  The grain is up the wheel lines.  There are always some wheel lines running.  It takes a lot of water and work to get a crop at harvest.  I have wanted to capture the feeling and beauty of that field, and this week I got to go out and see what I could do.

It was about sunset.  There was great color in the sky.  I had a great time trying things.  It was darker than I had wanted, so it was tough to get everything to look right.  So I figured it was a good opportunity to try a trick called HDR.  I haven’t done a lot with it, so I’m still learning, but I think I was able to get some images that have a magic feeling to them.

Here is the one I like the best.  This is the beginning of my Rural Lifestyle Gallery.