Field of Heroes – Memorial Day

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Every year for Memorial Day, there is the “Field of Heroes” in Pocatello.  Crosses are set up like a military cemetery in rows and columns.  It is a really impressive display to visit.

There is a cross for each military person killed in Iraq or Afghanistan.  There is also a cross for each POW from Viet Nam.  There are a LOT of crosses.  Many people help put this together and local businesses donated wood for the crosses and paint among other things.

When I go there, it has a feeling that is very similar to military cemeteries I have visited.  It is very humbling to see how many people have sacrificed their lives to preserve freedom, protect us, and keep us free.  I feel the sacred nature of their sacrifice and that of their families.  We can never repay that debt, but we have a responsibility to remember them, and do our part to preserve freedom so their deaths were not in vain.

You can see a few more pictures here.